Monday 28 January 2013

URGENT: Stop Amendment C123


Hi all thought the Newland network would like to know how they can stop 10
story buildings in Coburg with no right for public submissions.... passing
on an email sent around another list..Kitty

> Fellow Coburgians,
> I write to you today with outrage in my heart, fire in my belly and whisky
stains on my trousers.
> I have recently become aware of the proposed change to the Moreland
Planning Scheme, amendment C123, to facilitate the 'Coburg Activity Centre
Zone' (a snappy rebranding of 'Coburg 2020'. I wish I got paid to combine
random words like that). This insidious piece of statute introduces
mandatory height limits within the zone, but takes away residents rights to
object to development within the height limits. Does not sound too bad until
you see the limits: 10 stories in central Coburg (around the station, shops
and oval), 10 stories on each side of Bell St, and 5 stories each side of
Sydney Road down to Moreland Road.
> You can see the details of the plan on the Council website, but be warned
there are 27 documents with a combined total of about 15,760 pages.
> mendments/amendment-c123-coburg-activity-centre-zone.html
> The most informative is:
> clause%2037.08-1%20coburg%20principal%20activity%20centre%20zone%20-%2
> 0%20-%20exhibition%20version.docx which contains precinct maps with 
> height limits. 
> Speaking as somebody who lives next door to a bunch of run-down barber and
kebab shops that could sprout into 5 storey vertical ghettoes at any moment
and forever cast us into the twighlight - It must be stopped!!
> For the community at large, the plan for central Coburg is pretty
alarming. Lots of 8 and 10 story towers, narrow roads and one tiny, token,
postage stamp of green space. Because the residents wont be able to object
to any specific development in this area we can rely on the Council and
developers to make inspired and far-sighted planning decisions for the
greater good. Might be cool if they made it look like Paris. But you know
that won't happen; it will actually look just like.....Docklands (but
without the expensive boats). Maybe a mall too, like Highpoint?
> As this grotty amendment has been exhibited over the Christmas period very
few people seem to know about it. So 'what can we do?' I hear you scream.
Well, until 5:00pm on the 31st Jan you can make a submission to Council and
tell them how much you love it, or not, at:
> the 31st is Thursday this week people.
> If your like really fired up to do something but, you know, like haven't
got time to actually read or write anything, do not despair! Simply cut and
paste my text below into the submission and put your feet up with the
satisfied feeing of a job well done. They may have read it before but
basically its the number of submissions that count.
> If your like really fired up to do something and have a whole lotta spare
time and no hobbies, then there are a few more things you can do: hassle
councillors, state members, turn up to the council meeting on the 13th Feb,
join the 'Save Coburg' residents group, drop leaflets in letterboxes or drop
bricks on developers. Anyway, we'll take this discussion offline before
anyone breaks into an unnecessary sweat.
> That's all, I need to go and have a lie down now. Example submission text
> Please pass onto anyone else you think might be interested, or just
suggestible enough to do it because all the cool kids are.
> Christian
> "
> I support increasing the density of development in Coburg, however the
CACZ proposal goes to far and risks damaging the character and amenity of
the suburb we have chosen to live in. I am strongly opposed to the C123
amendment because:
> 1. The height limits are too high for blocks adjoining 1 and 2 story
residential areas. There should be a 'step up', eg 3 stories, then 5, then
7. This is particularly the case on Sydney Road and Bell Street where very
tall towers can be built next to existing single story residence creating
problems of over shadowing and over looking.
> 2. There is not enough green space in the central activity zone. If all
those towers were built without incorporating more green space it would be a
very depressing place to live or work (like the Docklands).
> 3. Residents and others affected by a development should have the right to
object. It is only when there is a system of checks and balances and a forum
for everyone to have a say that we get good development outcomes.
> "

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