Wednesday 19 October 2016



Preston local Ariadne Lack is a Well-being Psychologist who is running this series  of EVENING WORKSHOPS on STRENGTHS-BASED PARENTING in Brunswick

Do you want to increase your child’s resilience and feel more confident as a parent? Do you want to help your child discover who they are at their best? To help them harness their positivity and teach them how to develop a hunger for learning rather than a need for perfection and approval?  If this is you or someone you know, come join me and other like-minded parents for myStrengths Based Parenting Series.

You will learn about Strengths Based Parenting and get hands on practice using simple evidence based exercises which will help you,
1. Identify what your child is naturally good at  and where they thrive.
2. Harness your child’s brain power through cultivating positive emotions.
3. Teach your child a frame of mind they can use to grow from their successes and setbacks.

Workshop -     Positive States     Weds 2nd Nov 7-9pm
Did you know your brain is hardwired to perform at its best when it is in a positive state?  Over a decade of research has found cultivating positive emotions boosts your creativity, concentration, problem solving and connection with others. You will learn:
•         How positive states work to increase the brains performance
•         Why negative thoughts and feelings linger longer than positive ones
•         Why positive stress is important for children to learn, grow and adapt
•         Practical activities to cultivate positive emotions

Workshop -     Positive Outlooks     Tues 15th Nov 7-9pm
Did you know children who have been taught to apply a growth mindset to their learning perform better academically and demonstrate more perseverance in the face of challenges?  You will learn:
•         The influence your mindsets have over your choices and behaviours
•         The two most common mindsets which directing your child’s efforts
•         The impact these mindsets have on success, struggle and setbacks
•         Practical activities to cultivate a growth mindset in your child

Single: $49 per session
Couple: $69 per session

Can't make it as a couple? I get it.  Know someone who would really appreciate these workshops? Invite them and you can purchase the special couple's rate!

I really look forward to seeing you and sharing these simple, transformative ideas and practices to help you raise happy resilient kids and become more confident parents.

To register head to my website, Human Endeavours Workshops Page -

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