Wednesday 15 May 2019

Friends of Edgars Creek


Hi to you All,

Well I guess the water pump is going to be the star of the show again come Sunday!
It was a plan saver last month and thankfully those little trees, shrubs, reeds and grasses got a nice drink before sitting in the ground and waiting for rain. Thankfully we had a reasonable rain event last week though the ground is still very dry underneath and we will need many more rain events to get anywhere near where we want things to be...

Anyhow, we are at it again on Sunday down at the northern end of our range with a planting event at the Caravan Park site. 

Details as per the calendar: 
Sunday 19 May 2019, 1-3.00pm Planting: Shrub and grassland extension at the Caravan Park site. Hosted by the FoEC, Funded by MWCG. Meet behind the Big 4 caravan park - access from the end of Elizabeth St or Norfolk Court, North Coburg. 

We will have people on site before 1.00PM as is usual for us so if you need to do an early effort with early leave, we would be happy to receive your help. Otherwise, come on down and hang out for a cuppa afterwards.

The forecast is looking great - only partly cloudy skies and 21 degrees with a gentle northerly breeze.

Don't forget your essential: water, hat, maybe even sunscreen and a good pair of boots/shoes. 

See you on the creek!


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