Friday, 30 July 2021
- approx. 1 litre
- colour is antique white
- left over from 2019 - heavy duty paint purchased to cover a light green BIR
- (not sure why 2014 reference, may be from earlier matching colour 'recipe')
Coburg Cemetery Tour August 21
GMAR Rally
GMAR Victoria NAIDOC March/Rally GMAR is Grandmothers Against Removal.
FRIDAY, 6 AUGUST 2021 FROM 11:00am, 679 High St, Preston.
A march and rally to raise awareness of the high rate of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care. Let's stop these injustices to our people, our children, our future!
Rock up in your colours, let's paint Preston the red, black and yellow!
Let's be loud and proud and be heard! Special guests and dancers.
Facebook event to share:
Friends of Edgars Creek Planting Cancelled
Hi FoEC’ers and friends,
Sadly our event for August 1st will not be going ahead.
FoEC were wanting to proceed with the event in a modified fashion that worked around the restrictions. However, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have been advised we will need to cancel the event.
About now is where I feel the urge to get up on my soapbox about vaccinations…
We still have two planting events on the calendar for this season so please save the dates (obviously this will be subject to restrictions – here’s hoping the virus stays north of the border and that NSW can repeat the efforts of Melbourne in 2020 and knock it out of circulation.
And September is our Christmas in September celebration. Always a great planting day and celebration that follows (though we will probably have to do BYO as catering is on the list of things community groups have to avoid.
Take care, stay safe and enjoy the extra hours of daylight that come with our move towards Spring.
Prom Coast Food Collective
For Sale
We have several series to sell!
Series I - The Prophecies Begin $30
Series 2 - A New Prophecy $30
Series 3 - Power of Three $30
Series 4 - Omen of the Stars $30
Series 6 1-4 The Vision of Shadows $20
Special editions $7 each
Pick up in Preston
Contact Rina 0425 444 588.
Friday, 23 July 2021
Hello Pascale You are invited to join our webinar this Saturday. From Weed Infested Drain to Bushland Haven: 45 years of restoring Merri Creek
Join local environmental legends, Ann and Bruce McGregor, for an inspiring perspective on 45 years of restoring Merri Creek. The creek's transformation, from a weed-infested drain to a bushland haven, will be illustrated with graphic before-and-after images of favourite areas. If you use your phone to join the webinar you’ll need the app. When you have the link, please test it before the event. If it is working, you should see in MS Teams "The event hasn't started." For any issues please contact |
Phone:(03) 9380 8199 Email:
© Merri Creek Management Committee