Dear All, I am forwarding this at the request of GetUp because I went to the Great Barrier Reef last year and was shocked to find that not only is it deteriorating but the locals don't seem to think there is a problem. So it looks like it needs to be tourists and conservationists who will need to draw attention to the damage that is being done to the reef by run off from sugar plantations and appalling developments like Coal Seam Gas that GetUp is trying to address.
Next week a petition signed by over 100,000 GetUp members calling for urgent action to protect the Great Barrier Reef from proposals by the coal and gas industry will be delivered to Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke. Add your name now and join other GetUp members who have started a national outcry for action to protect a global treasure:
Dear Friends,
"Extreme concern" was how UNESCO reacted last year when they saw the damage being caused to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area by the construction of coal seam gas (CSG) processing facilities and proposals for massive new coal ports right along the coast. Since then things have gone from bad to worse, with more projects being pushed forward in the area. We have little time to act before next week's fast approaching deadline.
At last year's World Heritage Committee meeting in Russia, the Government was given a deadline of 1 February 2013 to report back on what progress had been made to save the Reef. Soon, the Committee will decide whether or not to add the Great Barrier Reef to the list of World Heritage Sites which are under serious threat. If that was to occur, not only would it mean we're on track to lose our greatest natural wonder, but that the 60,000 jobs it supports could be lost too.
UNESCO can't impose sanctions or force the Australian Government to act. Only we, the Australian community, have the power to make the Government act.
Next week, ahead of the reporting deadline, we will meet with the Federal Environment Minister and hand him a petition featuring the names of those Australians who are fed up with the government's inaction on the Great Barrier Reef. Amazingly, 103,471 people have already signed the petition. Please join them now so we can create a national outcry that can't be ignored:
Over 30 years ago the Great Barrier Reef was protected from mining. Then Queensland Premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen wanted to drill the Reef for oil and gas. The community, scientists and conservationists wouldn't stand for it and called on the Federal Government to intervene. We won then, and we can do it again now, as the Reef is under a similar but greater threat than ever - yet the solution is the same, community action. Please add you name to the petition now.
the GetUp team.
And Jo
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