Monday 17 February 2014

HEART Radiance Meditation


New Moon HEART Radiance 1st March

 Join together in a unified field of Love and Grace to re-set your Heart centred intention and blessing for all in your life.

Alternative times are Friday 8- 9:30pm, Sat 9:30-11 or Sat 1:30-3pm.  Register your interest and we'll go with the best time.

Wattle Grove or Edwardes Lake Park Reservoir
Please contact Viirendra:
  Mobile: 0417 581 829
  Facebook: 'Viirendra Ra'   
  Or search for ‘HEART Radiance’ Group on Facebook

HEART Radiance:
Opening into the Heart of Oneness
Relax your Body, Clear your Mind, Live from the Heart

HEART Radiance’ is a simple but potent process that can be used any time, any place to activate the Heart Energy and to radiate Love and Grace into your surroundings.
In addition to creating a deep sense of fulfilment within the self, the frequency of your surroundings is also raised leading to profound effects within your life.

The HEART Radiance Program includes:
·   12 Immortals – Chi Kung longevity exercise
·   The Tree – Standing meditation merging with the energies of Nature
·   Resonant Tuning – Sitting meditation absorbing energies from Earth and Cosmos to open the Heart and allow Divine Love and Grace to flow through

The acronym ‘H.E.A.R.T.’ means Healing Energy and Awareness with Resonant Tuning.  The Healing of our physical Energy and our conscious Awareness takes place through the process of Resonant Tuning. 
The abdominal and head key chakra centres are stimulated in such a way that the heart chakra is allowed to open fully and naturally accompanied by a host of benefits. 
The abdominal chakra is the centre for our physical and also emotional Energy.  When we experience an emotion we do not like we often try to stop it thus blocking this Energy motion (E-motion).  This blocked energy can then impact upon our physicality.  Through the process of Resonant Tuning we program our energy body to allow our energy preference of EASE and FLOW.

The head chakra governs our thoughts and our Awareness.  In this fast paced world where we are bombarded with external stimuli our thought space can become overwhelmed with the multitude of thoughts we could be having.  Our attention can become scattered and our energy dissipated leading to stress and anxiety.  Resonant Tuning allows SPACIOUSNESS and FREEDOM within our thought space.

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