Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Roof Rat Problem


I live in McNamara St and have had a roof rat problem that has been ongoing since around the time of the Kodak development. Has anyone else experienced the same? 
We used the possum man who provides bait and gets rid of them for a few months but they keep coming back!  Anyone know of any more permanent solutions?  


  1. Get a Jack Russell. I haven't seen a rodent since our JR moved in.

  2. I'm in Reservoir, have had rats in the roof for years. Talon blocks help, but yes, it just keep happening and I would hear them in the roof above my bedroom every Spring.

    I adopted a retired racing greyhound from GAP last winter. I haven't heard a rat since... :-)

  3. We have one (or more) too... under our house! I have no idea how to get rid of them permanently. We got rid of our compost heap, as we were worried it was a source of food that attracted them.
