Join Rachael for a Women’s Circle – Starting soon.
Authentic Women's Circle - Connecting, Becoming, Being
6 x monthly gatherings of Mindfulness, Meditation, Support, Sharing and Community.
When: Mondays 10am-12.30pm on March23, April 20, May 18, June 22, July 20 and Aug 17
Where: 13 Meadow St Coburg (It is likely that we will head to the creek or a few sessions or parts of sessions)
What: Over the 6 months you will meet in a supportive women's group, practice mindfulness and meditation as well as explore values, the parts that make up you, what is being authentic, personal power and setting intentions for yourself.
While the group will meet monthly in a formal way there will be opportunity to connect via email and Facebook (both or one of depending on the group) in between sessions for support, encouragement and accountability.
Special offer: - Book and pay in full or deposit (with remainder paid on first session) by 28th of Feb and pay only $200 for 6 months. This will be $240 after that date or $50 per session if you pay monthly.
New Mothers Circle
A circle for mothers and their babies and toddlers (up to 18months)
Run fortnightly in term 2 on Thursdays for 5 weeks beginning 23rd April from 10-11.30am
Pay fortnightly - $30 / session or pay $125 for 5 weeks. Early Bird - pay $100 when paid by March 20.
Each session we will incorporate Mindfulness and Meditation.
We will share and explore topics including: Where is 'me'; surrendering to motherhood; Balancing and being present for demands, challenges as well as joys and special moments; becoming the mother you want to be; and supporting your becoming.
More information on these circles is available here:
Or please contact Rachael if you would like to find out more.
Rachael Millsom
Counsellor, Mindfulness and Meditation Facilitator.
Providing Opportunities for Connection, Reflection and Growth.
0431 290 174
Twitter: @RachaelatSELF