Monday 4 December 2017

Cards For Sale


Beautiful Merri Creek Cards for Sale!

As a neighbour of the Merri Creek, we hope you enjoy its natural beauty and the opportunities it provides for recreation and appreciation of your local environment and wildlife. For over 40 years, members of the community, alongside local and state governments, have worked to transform what was once a wasteland into parklands along the Merri's 60 km length from Dights Falls in Richmond to its origins at Heathcote Junction. You can read our story via our superb exhibition panels: 'Merri Creek: from wasteland to parklands', just go to:

In 1989, the Merri Creek Management Committee formed to coordinate and manage the work needed to protect the natural and cultural features of the Merri catchment waterway corridors to provide a lasting benefit for the community. MCMC wanted to achieve a healthy living stream flowing through attractive environments which provide habitat for native animals and are valued by the community as peaceful, passive open space havens.
MCMC has produced a greetings card, suitable for this coming Christmas. It features the Spotted Pardalote, one of Australia's smallest birds and one of the many inhabitants of the Merri Creek bushland. Its numbers have increased thanks to the re-vegetation carried out by the Merri Creek Management Committee, the Friends of Merri Creek and hundreds of community volunteers. Generally found high up in eucalypts, come nesting time Spotted Pardalotes build their nest in long horizontal tunnels dug into creek banks. But nests have been found in carpet rolls, garage roll-a-doors, and large pot plants! Both parents share nest building, incubation and raising the chicks.
By purchasing one card for $10 or five cards for $25 you can support the vital work of MCMC to preserve and maintain our wonderful Merri Creek environment.
Best wishes.
Ann McGregor President Merri Creek Management Committee

To order/donate send the following information Donation of $... and/or number of cards ordered. (1 card is $10, 5 cards are $25, cards beyond 5 are $5 each) for a total of: ... and your details: NAME, POSTAL ADDRESS, EMAIL (For donations only, indicate if you need a receipt; emailed or post)
  1. email to after you have done an Electronic Funds Transfer:  BSB: 633-000 Account 111945036 Name: Merri Creek Management Committee: In “Description” put your surname
  1. post  cheque and above info to MCMC 2 Lee Street BRUNSWICK EAST, VIC, 3057

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just did this but the email address bounced back.
