Monday 26 March 2018

TD in the Pub


TD in the Pub is back for 2018! It's a relaxed space where folks can kick back, grab a drink, and learn about the world we live in and what we can do about it! Anyone is welcome... this month Craig, a Darebin local and engineer will be talking about oil and energy. 

What: TD in the Pub: Energy and oil, where it comes and where it goes.
Time and Date: 7.00pm - 8.30pm, 27th March Tuesday.
Where? Hard Rubbish Cafe, 670 Plenty Road.


TD in the Pub is back for 2018! It's a relaxed space where folks can kick back, grab a drink, and learn about the world we live in and what we can do about it! Anyone is welcome... this month Craig, a Darebin local will be talking about oil and energy. 

World population increased along with our energy usage and technology;  from slave power, wood power, coal power, electricity, and oil. This talk will be looking at the energy supplies of individual countries and the world, to consider how uses have changed from the 1970s to the present. We will then discuss what this means for us today and regarding our energy future. Craig's practical experience working as an engineer in offshore and onshore oil and gas, and theoretical research he has done will help us understand the complex energy system we rely on.

More about the presenter:

Craig is an engineer who has worked in offshore and onshore oil and gas, the chemical industry and in hard rock mining; both in Australia and overseas. Craig started building his and his wife, Sally's sustainable house in 1999, and were the second house to install grid-connected solar panels in Melbourne. They now run the house from a battery solar system, have retrofitted old windows and doors, run four independent water systems and are currently installing solar hydronic heating.

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