Saturday 30 November 2019

Prom Coast Food Collective


Tomorrow, orders open for December. A word, if I may?
Tomorrow morning, 5am, we open orders for December. Last year was a doozy. We hope for the same this year.

Why do we hope for the same?

Because farming is about hope, really.

You plan, you plant, you hope. 

The Collective is the same, it was created out of hope. And a fair whack of courage and stubbornness. Why hope? The changing and challenging climate, for farmers, is everything. We ride with the tides which we make. We, in turn, all plant trees and draw down carbon to make the winds more favourable. We encourage others to do the same. Hopefully. The current food system also isn't geared for small-scale, although we all acknowledge that "small and unique" is beautiful. But we persevere, regardless. 

So. Support us if you can.

Whilst we think of presents for others for Christmas, think also of the food that you put in front of your loved and dear. Make it food that supports the land, the people on the land, and in turn, you also.

We hope to see your name flash up in orders, we hope to see you at a dropoff and shake your hand and we hope that all is well in your world, as we here, farm on. 

20 farming families and makers, organic and regenerative farming store, one payment, one pick up.

It is so simple.

Make sure your shopping $ goes to something good.

Click on this link to visit our online shop -

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