Sunday 23 June 2024

Community Refugee Initiatuve


Dear, Friends/Community,

Since becoming aware of the Community Refugee Initiative I have thought it would be something that I would like to get involved with, I am finally stepping into that space and looking for others who may also be interested in getting involved also.

We will need people/families who can help out on a regular basis as well as those interested in offering specific skills or limited availability (eg help with a fundraising event or step in when someone else is away on holidays.)

To start with we will be hosting an information evening on Tuesday 30th July at 7.30pm at Newlands Community Centre - (20 Murray Road, Coburg North).  Come along and bring a neighbour even if you are a bit curious.  Anyone who can volunteer to bring some supper that would be much appreciated.

Want to find out more? -  have a look here - 

My wonderful friend Naomi who works in this space supporting communities to do this and also who has supported a family to come out to Australia herself will lead the meeting and be available to answer any questions that we might have.

Please get in touch with me on to express your interest in getting involved and if you have an idea of whether you would be interested in being part of the core group of volunteers or more occasional/specific support please let me know that also, if you are just curious at this stage that is also fine.

I will then email everyone in mid July to confirm the meeting date and time.

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