Sunday 2 June 2024

Reconciliation Week


Hi, Newlanders Blog’s Readers.
Reconciliation Week is from Monday 27 May (anniversary of the 1967 referendum) to 3 June (1992 Mabo decision that recognised that native titles did survive British colonisation)
The 2024 National Reconciliation Week’s theme is “Now More Than Ever”.
This year, we are asked (individually or collectively) to express what action we can take towards reconciliation.
For this purpose, you are warmly invited to add your personal action(s) to the display installed at Merri Murnong off Connolly Avenue as well as read what others are doing (if you need inspiration).

There is a little container at the base of the trees with a pen and coloured masking tape so that you can write and add your own action. You can also bring your own creative materials of course.
National Reconciliation Week suggests the following reflective questions by age group if you feel stuck.
Ages 0-5
  • How does it make you feel when you’re included with your friends?
  • What would you do if you saw someone was being left out?
Ages 5-18
  • How can you be inspired by past and current Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous activists and change makers to support the reconciliation movement for a just more equitable Australia?
  • What you already know and feel about reconciliation?
  • What action you can take to progress reconciliation in Australia in your sphere of influence?

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