Wednesday 31 July 2024



Hi, Everyone, 

I hope you're well and handling these past few cold Winter weeks.  Just sending you a SAVE THE DATE so you can join the Murphnick Band in celebrating the coming of Spring by jumping into the world of 3 celebrated Murphnick solo records PLUS new material.  The band's repertoire has expanded to include more of the material from Nick's back catalogue, as well as new stuff!  There's nothing like playing in a kick-arse band to inspire new songs!  There will be 2 sets worth, witness the transition from intimate singer-song writer folk through to psych folk rock wig-outs...& it's FREE!  In the name of folk rock country harmony-drenched psychadelia, come and check them out, would love to see you there!!

In the meantime, bring some sunshine and beanbags into your hi fi room by listening to the extended version of Strange Ride here:  Strange Ride (Expanded Edition) - Album by Murphnick | Spotify

Or catch up with the previous Murphnick album:  What's In Your Mind | Murphnick (

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