Thursday, 13 February 2025

For Sale


For Sale: School Uniforms

Northcote High School
2 x Size 16 Charcoal Shorts (Excellent condition, barely worn) - $20 each

1 x Northcote High School Summer Shirt (Size 36) - Very good condition - $15

Brunswick Secondary College
1 x long navy pants (Size 14-16) - $5
2 x navy summer cotton shorts (1 x size 12, 1 x size 16) - $5 each

3 x Brunswick Secondary College Polo shirt (short-sleeved) (2 x Size 12, 1 x Size 14) $8 each or $20 for the lot

1 x Size 14 Brunswick Secondary navy sport shorts ($8)

Secondary text books
Nelson Physical Education VCE Units 3 & 4: Peak performance workbook (brand new, not used at all): $20
Nelson Physical Education VCE Units 3 & 4 (7th Edition - Brand new, not used at all, digital access code opened): $50
VCE Biology Units 1 & 2 - Edrolo - $20 
VCE Business Management Units 1 & 2 - Edrolo $20
Ecco Due Activity Book - 2nd Edition - $5 each (2 copies)
Ecco Due Student Book - 2nd Edition - $10 each (2 copies)
Ecco Senior Student Book - Italian Language - $15
Schaum's Italian Grammar 4th edition - $20

Essential Maths 9 for the Victorian Curriculum (2nd edition)- $10
Pearson Science 7 AB 2nd Edition - $5
Music: John Brimhall's Theory Notebook (Revised Edition) - $8

The interrogation of Ashala Wolf - Ambellin Kwaymullina- $7.50
Northern Lights - Phillip Pullman - $7
Genesis - Bernard Beckett - $7
A single stone - Meg McKinlay - $7

Humanities Oxford Humus 10 - $5

Please text: 0451 793 104
Pick up in Coburg.

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