A morning of Weed identification, discussion and consumption!
With Isobel your friendly neighbourhood forager
10am -1pm
Saturday 10th of August (weather permitting)
RSVP to isobelfrances@gmail.com
Starting with a walk and forage at the creek near the Athletics track and ending with Nettle crepes at our place.
Bring a $5 donation or some homemade food to contribute to lunch afterwards.
What is so good about Weeds!
· Edible weeds are a seriously environmentally sustainable, free, and nutritious food.
· Foraging is a fun and interesting way to discover our urban wilderness
· All weeds can be put to use in our gardens and are not necessarily a gardener’s enemy.
A little about me.
I’m a pasionate Urban farmer living in Newlands and I’m enthused by all areas of domestic food production. My particular interests are in, garden design, veggie gardening, fruit tree know how, chicken systems, composting and weed appreciation.
I studied garden design at Burnley College and have a Diploma in Permaculture. I also work at the CERES Nursery and do the odd garden design for friends and permablitzes.