Monday, 11 June 2018

Attempted Break In


Attempted break-in in McGowan Ave, Preston

Just letting everyone know so they can keep an eye out for each other. Someone jumped my back gate and tried to get in my back door. They left when they realised I was home. 

1 comment:

  1. We had an attempted break-in last night at around 2:30am in Jackson Pde - just a few streets away. It was very brazen. Our porch light was smashed, our locked fuse box was jimmied open and the lights were switched off, and then our heavy timber side gate was kicked in. My husband saw a guy in a crimson hoodie walking down the side of our house towards the back door. He banged on the window and shouted that he’d called the police and the guy said “I’m just looking for my cat” (!) and then left. When the police arrived they said they’d had a few other calls about similar incidents and while my husband was providing details, they received another call about a guy in someone’s backyard further up Jackson Pde., so he was obviously doing the rounds.
